“2012 was a year when many of the big names in tech took big gambles… and lost,” Donald Bell writes for CNET.

“CNET recently ran a collection highlighting 2012′s biggest Tech Turkeys, and it seemed ripe for a remix over here on Top 5,” Bell writes.

Bell writes, “I swiped four from their list, added one of my own, and ranked the whole thing by how long I imagine it took the respective CEOs to remove their palms from their face.”

Top 5 Tech Flops of 2012:
5: Sean Parker’s AirTime
4: Beleaguered RIM’s (DCW) BlackBerry 10
3: Google Nexus Q
2: Facebook IPO
1: Apple Maps

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Heckuva job, Scottie!

No matter what Apple does, no matter how much better they make Apple Maps, it will now always “suck” in the minds of a large segment of the population… The fool(s) responsible for preparing Maps for release and then releasing it with obvious issues (overblown as they are) and therefore tainting Maps forever should face severe consequences. As in: Pink slip(s)… Apple seems to have learned nothing from the Newton: First impressions mean everything. Apple’s Maps have been Newtonized. All that’s missing is the Doonesbury strip.

Here’s a little hint for the future: Everything that requires widespread customer use to develop a rich database before the product becomes fully usable should be clearly labelled “beta” upon release. Apple did it with Siri, but they forgot to do it with Maps. Had Apple been smart enough to simply place a “beta” tag on Maps, all of this rigamarole would never have occurred. – MacDailyNews Take, September 28, 2012

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “David B. Haun” for the heads up.]