The Art of iAd by Stella Artois ‘Ice Lounge’ Campaign would be the 1st iAd to hit UK

The Christmas holidays are closing in, and I am thinking to get the best deals on my favourite liquor. Not to mention that I have already fallen in love with reassure-ably expensive Stella Artois for this Christmas. Recently, Stella Artois launched their ‘Ice Lounge’ campaign, which is considered to be the first UK iAd campaign this Christmas right on your iPhone 4.

Keeping in mind that iAd platform of Apple latest mobile advertising came to Europe in November of this year, I still haven’t seen any of those campaigns yet. Ice Lounge by Stella Artois would be the first one this Christmas. Also I am looking forward to towards watching ads without closing any app on iPhone 4. The beer’s already existing iPhone 4 app is a great piece of ease with its remarkable functions.

The Renault became the first brand to launch iAd campaign in Europe earlier this month while Stella Artois becomes the first one in UK. Its iAd allows fully features interaction with Ice Lounge ad and portrays the heritage of the beer for Christmas. Consumers can interact with the brand in various ways and can also download many assets one of which is ‘the 12 days of Christmas’ soundtrack. Furthermore, the iAd allows users to link to the Stella Artois app and the other products offered by the company.

I just saw that iAd and love the way it represents the beer, spanning over an average of one minute it performs marketing in a really effective way. Through this iAd Stella Artois would be surely rocking this Christmas reaching millions of users on iPhone and iPod touch on many various apps.

I think many of the other brands in UK would consider this strategy an effective one to launch on events like Christmas and we would be seeing such iAds campaign soon.

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