Samsung Galaxy S4

Now this is quite interesting, everyone is waiting for the release of Samsung Galaxy SIII and there is a rumor that Samsung is planning to go for Samsung Galaxy S IV (S4) as well. Though it seems to be quite unbelievable and unreliable. Recently I was in a tour with my friends and I met with a guy who is currently working in Samsung. We had a conversation about Samsung Galaxy SII and upcoming device SIII. I was totally amazed when he told that Samsung is also planning to launch Samsung Galaxy S4 in near future. Although he was not at all interested to provide any information about Galaxy SIII or S4, but when I doubted on him regarding Samsung Galaxy S4, he told that a team of his senior officers are working on the specs and model of Samsung Galaxy S4 and he also showed me few projected models for Samsung Galaxy S4, which he had in his laptop. One of the most considered model is below.


On promising that I will not disclose his name, he let me know that Samsung Galaxy S4 might have 3D display and 3D camera. The device will have only one physical button on the right hand side, which is a POWER BUTTON along with one sensor touch button for camera. Left side of the device has sensor touch buttons for volume up and volume down. Again there are four sensor touch buttons at the bottom of the screen.

After seeing the above image, it seems that front camera and proximity sensor has been shifted to right for better management. The screen size is still undecided. He did not provided any information about CPU, RAM, memory, etc. The knowledge he had about this device makes me feel that this rumor is quite promising. I have taken that person in my circle so that we can get more information about Samsung Galaxy S4. I will update this post if I will get some more info.

Although, the knowledgebase and projected model pics he had shown me in his laptop about Samsung Galaxy S4 seems quite promising but still we cant confirm that this is trustable at this stage.

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